Swart R-2 Ribbon Microphone

2025 SALE PRICE - $299!
(Limited time the R2 is $100 off)

Introducing our first in-house, custom-built, Michael Swart designed Swart R-2 Ribbon Mic, designed to get the sound of your Swart amp's tone to the recording in the richest and most natural way.

The very first amp we ever made, the first one that actually inspired it all, was the Space Tone 6V6se. We made this amp along with a few variations in our studio, and musicians who came to record loved it so much, they asked us if there was any way they could buy one. This is literally how Swart Amplifier Co got off the ground. Well, there was much more, but that's the long and short of it. So why all this preamble?

This is our first journey into another realm of the recording process and one that Michael has had sitting in the studio for use. And once again, people were asking if they could have one

Yeah, it's SWART to the bone. The R-2 Ribbon Mic embodies all of what made the original Space Tone and Atomic Space Tone so great.... It's soulful. It passes along the emotion of the music. It's naturalness will shock you.

"This Ribbon mic seems to capture more sonic information than a standard dynamic mic in a far more natural sounding way. It's really been a revelation to me. Our proprietary custom hand wound Toroidal Core transformer was designed for its efficiency and hum canceling ability. When combined with our custom ribbon, which is cut, crimped, and tuned in the Swart Shop, the result is something truly special... it's my go-to amp mic now. Just really a special piece."

   - Michael Swart


The Swart R-2 Ribbon Mic in Vintage Green

"If you have not heard what a Ribbon Mic
can do, and you're a Swart fan,
this is a no brainer"
~ kh


   •  Designed by Michael Swart

   •  Perfect Mic for our Amps

   •  Swart Custom designed/
       Hand Wound Toroidal

   •  2.5 micron Ribbon cut &
       crimped in Swart shop

   •  Captures Midrange Magic
       with Natural top & bottom

   •  Ribbon Mic Goodness
       for a low price!

   •  Hand Made in Wilmington, NC

   •  Custom Made Bracket &
       Velvet Carrying Bag

   •  R-2 signed, numbered, & dated.

   •  Pre-Order NOW SHIPPING

Stay tuned for more on the Swart R-2 Ribbon Mic, including Michael's very own recording, all done with the R-2 in the Swart studio.

"I have a lot of ribbons in my studio, including RCA's, Royer, Beyer, and AT. Somebody on a guitar forum posted about your mic and I sure am happy I ordered it. Sounded great on electric guitar and also as a mono mic on the back of a spinet piano yesterday. I really have to applaud you for branching out. Everyone liked the sound and the look of it too. You gotta get one to Buddy Miller!"

        - Eric Ambel
            Cowboy Technical Services Studio

Our first 30 sold out much sooner then we imagined so we are trying to get the custom transformers wound, ribbons cut, and the next batch of boxes in green and black sparkle in to be hand screen printed. Remember, each one of the R-2 takes quite a bit of labor; this is no assembly line pop out from China. After completion, each R-2 is run through a battery of tests by Michael before he signs and numbers and personally packs your mic.

Latest Order News

We are now shipping the next batch. As soon as Michael completes your mic, it's heading your way


- kh

Swart R-2 Ribbon
Microphone SALE

(as a stand alone device for mounting to standard stand)

BLACK SPARKLE......$299usd

100% SECURE  

VINTAGE GREEN.......$299us

100% SECURE  


See Swart R-2 in Action below...



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