the Newest Swart Offering
5w Class A • Tube Reverb
• 6V6/6L6
• 14lbs!
Emails, calls, carrier pigeons, drive-bys... everything is in the mix when it comes to finding out info on the latest 14lb, 5w, single-ended, Class A tube wonder with the 12DW7 triode run reverb. Michael made the mistake of letting me borrow the Space Tone Atom for a weekend. He didn't say WHAT weekend it had to be back. Now dealers are calling with gnashing of teeth, hands in air, wondering when, why, how will this thing show up. Ok, maybe I better bring it back, seeing it's #1 and the prototype, all rolled in one. Problem is, I know I wont see one again except in testing, surely fun for minutes but I'm addicted. |
Yep, the Space Tone Atom is the 6V6se with a year in the making triode reverb stage utilizing the aforementioned 12DW7 fed into a cool little spring tank at the bottom of cab. The reverb in this little monster has to be heard to be believed as most tend to be underwhelming in this small a package. Not so with the 14lb Space Tone Atom. The circuit remains amazingly simple, including this reverb stage, and will feature volume, tone, and Swart's patented "Space"
or reverb control. There
will be a switchable gain option in place of the 6V6se feedback switch,
this utilizing a new section with more capacitance that can be bypassed.
It will have a 4ohm output and come stock with the Weber Signature 8
Ceramic. The tweed covered, finger-jointed pine cab will resemble a
baby AST with light tweed and dark side panels. Other covering options
are available. The intro pricing is coming in at $1199. I already have one on order if that gives you an idea. |
Should be leaving the shop in the next two-three weeks give or take. We already have close to 30 orders and ST-Atom #2 has not even left the bench. UPDATE: First Space Tone ATOMS have shipped to a few lucky dealers with more to follow. Contact your favorite Swart Dealer. |
Latest Hero: Peter Parcek RIPPING IT UP via ST-6V6se!
have watched this no less then 10 times today. Gets better and
better each time, almost impossible not to smile. Seriously.
At the end of this video, I'm grinning ear to ear. Good Lord,
Pete Parcek can play! This is bone simple, pure playing goodness.
Watch Peter take his little Swart ST-6V6se where no one goes.
Man, I love this guy. He has some great stuff with the AST, too.
At a time when most blues has become cliche and almost parody, it's
refreshing to hear someone that does it right. Hail to Peter!
This was recorded live at Alternate Root TV - See ALL
kh |
Let's see what else
has been going on around here lately ~ kh
| Swart Online
& Simon in Welcome one of my favorite pen pals from down under and across the pond. It's none other than ole Simon Gregory. Seems Simon meet someone with some talent and looks named Hannah Harding.....then practiced once, smiled a lot, then hit the NZ Wunderbar, complete with dolls heads, torsos, upside-down aesthetic. Direct from ole Simon himself:
NC's Onward, Soldiers |
Ok, it's been a long time coming...and it's still an adjustment, but we're finally on facebook. Only signing up a few weeks ago, with the word not really out, it's not actually a bed of activity but hopefully things will come around. The few that have stopped by have been great. And right now, we are STILL running a PHOTO COMPETITION for some lucky soul to win a Swart NIGHT LIGHT. When is the contest over? Hurry up and enter a photo while it's still going; I'm still putting off a decision. heh... |
V in HD Greg V has started
really moving on his latest venture, doing HD video demos for manufacturers
and dealers. Fat Sound hooked up with Greg and have thrown a
number of items his way. So when Greg had to demo some guitars,
what amps did he pick? Yep, the Swart AST and AST PRO.
We really wish Greg V the best as he is doing an excellent job with
these vids. And he ALWAYS kills it on the guitar. We never
get enough of Greg. |