& Stereo Drive
Welcome to the Night Light
resource page, a relatively dynamic page due to material being
added as it comes in. Look for Night Light samples coming
is the Night Light?
The Swart
Night Light is a passive attenuator with an additional line
out that will run your full output from your host amp into a
second amp's input. Typically, you would run your
Swart combo (or any 22w and under amplifier) at full volume
for ultimate output tube breakup, using the Night Light attenuator
to roll back the level while leaving the breakup in full splendor,
just at a level that does not wake the dead.
You mean it's not powered?
The unit needs only the connections to the host amplifier to
operate. In addition, it has a bypass switch that totally
removes the attenuation stage from the circuit, enabling you
to listen to your amp straight thru.
will it only work with Swart combos?
The Night Light
is designed to work with 4-8ohms. Any
22w and under amplifier will work fine with the
Night Light. On the other hand, to hear it at full potential,
ye olde Swart ST-6V6se, STR, STR-Tweed, AST, and AST Pro brings
more happiness than chocolate and sex, not necessarily
in that order. The Night Light WILL be ok with amps up to 30w,
but entering into this upper range might lower the life of your
filament compression bulb. Replacements available HERE.
You will also notice a bit more heat on the right side.
cables do I need for the Attenuator?
First, for attenuator
connections, we recommend high quality SPEAKER
CABLES as opposed to instrument cables.
We carry two types of Speaker Cable, both recommended.
Instrument cables are shielded and designed to carry very low
level signals while speaker cables carry higher voltage, don't
need shielding, and are lower capacitance. At the very
least, for the attenuator, you need to have one 1/4"
phone jack speaker cable from the chassis (speaker out)
of the amplifier to the "From Amp" jack on
the Night Light. For the Swart Combos, you can run the
stock speaker wire connected to the chassis (1/4 phone plug
end) back thru the rear port to the "To Speaker"
input on the Night Light. This will provide the
most straight-forward connection, if a bit limited in reach.
We include a female/female phone jack adapter to connect to
another speaker cable to providing more reach. Again, we recommend
shorter over longer options for less potential for roll-off.
See the connection
at RIGHT with
the AST. Click on graphic for full view.
In a pinch, you CAN
use an instrument cable but be advised this is not recommended
for a permanent solution. We are offering TWO cable packages,
the first of which is available here
and linked at right. The second is our uber quality Kimber
4VS package. Please inquire.
about the Line Out?
To power a second
"slave" amplifier via the Line Out, use a quality
Instrument Cable. We prefer shorter over longer.
Remember, you are driving the second amplifier through the entire
output of your first amp. This offers a dizzying combination
of tonal options. We encourage exploration in settings
of main and slave amp. We recommend switching the Night
Light to Bypass for better balance.
the Line Out go into a PA Board?
The answer is YES!
Use a quality Instrument Cable. The Night Light
will give a line level signal to PA boards, mixing boards,
I'm not getting my Filament bulb to light up! What's wrong?
Is my bulb burned out?
There is probably
nothing wrong with your bulb or filament circuit. This
beast is incredibly reliable. Remember, make sure your
Night Light level is set to 12oclock. Next, check to see
your left switch is set to COMP. Now, it DOES take some
signal to get your compression to engage, filament glowing to
show activity.
To test, set amp volume to "11" with your guitar volume
pegged. Make sure you're in the high input. Hit
your strings with some attack and check to see if bulb/compression
comes on. In almost every instance, the user was not driving
their Night Light into compression mode. Sometimes, a
guitar with really low output PUPs will have a hard time driving
to compression, but this has to be an extreme case. If
the BULB is blown, then your Night Light will NOT have any signal
when comp is engaged. A
10pk of bulbs can be ordered.
As another test, you can unscrew the jewel lamp, and raise and
lower your guitar volume while COMP is engaged. Watch
the filament start to glow as you bring your volume up, on to
FULL glow when pegged. Notice how you will not get the
filament to light if levels on guitar or amp are too low.

and beyond your average
attenuator, the Night Light offers defeatable
bulb filament compression and the
ability to run TWO Swarts in Stereo via
the Output stage of amp one.

above for full size graphic in detail

Swart Speaker Cable ~ 3ft

AST Pro NL Panel - Run Ext cab ~ now with Night Light Jacks